
Showing posts from November, 2017

Thursday 11-30-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 3 HW : pg. 20 #1-5

Wednesday 11-29-17 Agenda

OBJ : Quiz (link in google classroom) HW : none

Tuesday 11-28-17 Agenda

OB J: Lesson 2 HW : pg. 14 #1-4 and 6 QUIZ TOMORROW

Monday 11-27-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 1 HW : pg. 9-10 #2-6 all **Homework Hints** (look on pg. 8 in your workbook) 10  divided by   1 = 10 *Quotient is Bigger than 1 (big dividend)       1 divided by 10 = 1/10 or .1 *Quotient is Less than 1 (small dividend) Finding the percent of a number 1. Make the percent a decimal 2. Multiply the decimal by the number CLICK HERE for link to today's powerpoint

Thursday 11-16-17 Agenda

OBJ : TEST HW : none

Wednesday 11-15-17 Agenda

OBJ : Study Guide HW : Finish study guide TEST TOMORROW **Turkey Trot on Friday** CLICK HERE for Study Guide ANSWER KEY CLICK HERE for Study Guide CORRECTIONS #3 and #6

Tuesday 11-14-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 16 HW : pg. 88 #1-4

Monday 11-13-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 15 HW : pg. 83-84 #1-5 (Calculator OK) TEST FRIDAY

Tuesday 11-14-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 16 HW : pg. 88 #1-4 all TEST FRIDAY

Wednesday 11-9-17 Agenda

OBJ: Quiz HW: none! **NO SCHOOL Thursday and Friday**

Tuesday 11-7-17 Agenda

OBJ: Lesson 14 HW: pg. 78 #1-5

Monday 11-6-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 13 HW : pg. 73-74 #1-6 all (Period 1 only chooses 3)

Friday 11-3-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 11 HW : pg. 63 #1-2

Thursday 11-2-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 10 HW : pg. 58-59 #1 to 4 and 7  #5 and 6 EC *Block Schedule Today- Periods 2, 4, 6

Wednesday 11-1-17 Agenda

OBJ : Lesson 10 HW : pg. 58-59 #1 to 4 and 7  #5 and 6 EC *Block Schedule Today- Periods 1, 3, 5